asin - returns arcsine of scalars and vectors.
float asin(float a);
float1 asin(float1 a);
float2 asin(float2 a);
float3 asin(float3 a);
float4 asin(float4 a);
half asin(half a);
half1 asin(half1 a);
half2 asin(half2 a);
half3 asin(half3 a);
half4 asin(half4 a);
fixed asin(fixed a);
fixed1 asin(fixed1 a);
fixed2 asin(fixed2 a);
fixed3 asin(fixed3 a);
fixed4 asin(fixed4 a);
- a
Vector or scalar of which to determine the arcsine.
Returns the arcsine of a in the range [-pi/2,+pi/2], expecting a
to be in the range [-1,+1].
For vectors, the returned vector contains the arcsine of each
element of the input vector.
Reference Implementation
asin for a float scalar could be implemented like this.
// Handbook of Mathematical Functions
// M. Abramowitz and I.A. Stegun, Ed.
float asin(float x) {
float negate = float(x < 0);
x = abs(x);
float ret = -0.0187293;
ret *= x;
ret += 0.0742610;
ret *= x;
ret -= 0.2121144;
ret *= x;
ret += 1.5707288;
ret = 3.14159265358979*0.5 - sqrt(1.0 - x)*ret;
return ret - 2 * negate * ret;
Profile Support
asin is supported in all profiles.
Support in the fp20 is limited.
See Also
abs, acos, sin, sqrt