cgD3D10BindProgram - activate a program with D3D
#include <Cg/cgD3D10.h>
HRESULT cgD3D10BindProgram( CGprogram program );
- program
The program to activate with D3D.
Return Values
Returns D3D_OK if the function succeeds.
Returns the D3D failure code if the function fails due to a D3D call.
cgD3D10BindProgram activates a program with D3D. The program is activated
using ID3D10Device::SetVertexShader or ID3D10Device::SetPixelShader
depending on the program's profile type.
D3D allows only one vertex shader and one pixel shader to be active at any given time, so activating a program of a given type implicitly deactivates any other program of a that type.
// vertexProg and pixelProg are CGprograms initialized elsewhere
// pDev is an ID3D10Device interface intialized elsewhere
HRESULT hr = cgD3D10BindProgram(vertexProg);
HRESULT hr2 = cgD3D10BindProgram(pixelProg);
// Draw a quad using the vertex and pixel shader
// A vertex and index buffer are set up elsewhere.
HRESULT hr3 = pDev->DrawIndexedPrimitve(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 4, 0, 2);
cgD3D10Failed is generated if a D3D function returns an error.
CGD3D10ERR_NOTLOADED is returned if program was not loaded with the
CGD3D10ERR_NODEVICE is returned if a required D3D device is NULL. This
usually occurs when an expanded interface routine is called but a D3D device
has not been set with cgD3D10SetDevice.
cgD3D10BindProgram was introduced in Cg 2.1.
See Also